With its soaring windows that frame breath taking views of the mountains, Valor's Library is the architectural focal point of the Academic Building. There is good reason for this. As a hub of research, learning and study, the library epitomizes the pursuit of Christ-centered academic excellence
Library Distinctives
The Christian Mind
Our rich collection of print and digital titles from Christian intellectuals, theologians, pastors, and lay leaders guides students as they pursue an understanding of faith and theology in their personal lives and communities.
Information Literacy Curriculum
Librarians teach information literacy and critical thinking skills, enabling students to confidently evaluate resources as a life skill. Students will assess authority, purpose, and evidence in sources to establish their credibility and relevance.
Mission Statement
The Valor Library is a hub for student learning and connection with welcoming, personalized service. Guided by our faith in Jesus Christ, the source of all knowledge and truth, our library provides a doorway to discovering and exploring His world. We teach students to research deeply, think critically, and read widely, pursuing knowledge through a discerning lens of faith.
Valor Library
The 5,300-square-foot Valor Library is an essential part of our college preparatory curriculum and a primary driver of student learning and outcomes.
For students, it is a favorite place to study, research projects and passions, and read for deeper understanding of course material as well as personal enrichment.
Services & Hours
The library is available online 24-7. Valor community members are welcome to borrow library resources and request items from other libraries via interlibrary loan.
7:30 am – 5:00 pm - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm - Tuesday
* For breaks and altered schedules, library hours will be posted on the library door.