Valor Blog
Find inspiration, insight and fresh perspective on Valor's blog. Contributors include Valor leaders, staff, faculty and students.
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- Christian Education
Meet Marty Magehee, former Nashville Recording Artist turned Songwriter teacher.
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- Christian Education
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- Christian Education
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- Humanities
One of the things we love most at Valor Christian High School is giving students lots of options when it comes to picking their coursework during high school.
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- Humanities
- Arts+Media
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- Humanities
- Alumni
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- Blog
- Arts+Media
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- Humanities
The Garden of Eden was a template - beauty, harmony, joy, oneness with God - no stress, no evil, no darkness, no constant battle to somehow 'get ahead'.
- Blog
I can’t recall the first time I got stuck in the rabbit hole of HGTV’s House Hunters and Love It or List It, but I know I have wasted chunks of weekends in there. Don’t judge…you’ve been there, too.
- Academics
- Blog
While the Valor library isn't exactly a coffee shop, we like that it sounds that way!
It did not start out as an ordinary day. After all, they were going to the tomb carrying the spices prepared for Jesus’ burial. But that day, and the message that followed, would change everything.
- Academics
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- Discovery
- Humanities
This trip was the best time of my life, there’s no other way to describe it without understatement or unnecessary hyperbole. The reason why is the love that was exhibited by everyone on the trip for everyone on the trip.
- Academics
- Blog
You have exactly 650 words to impress your dream school. No pressure, right?