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Global Seal of Biliteracy Award 24-25

Global Seal of Biliteracy Award 24-25
  • Academics
  • World Language
Laura Dykstra

The Global Seal of Biliteracy is a prestigious international recognition for students who have achieved Functional or Working proficiency in two or more languages. This year, over 100 Valor students were honored at a special campus luncheon, where each received a certificate with a unique serial number—a valuable credential for university and career opportunities. Students honored at this luncheon achieved outstanding scores on last year's STAMP Tests.

Dr. Arias addressing Global Seal of Biliteracy Students

Dr. Arias encouraging award recipients to use their gifts of biliteracy. 

We are so proud of our World Language students who demonstrate relational intelligence and the maturity to engage thoughtfully across cultures. At Valor, we encourage students to use their bilingual skills to lead and serve others with faith, humility, and compassion. Congratulations to our dedicated Eagles, and a big thank you to our World Language faculty for guiding these students on their journey.

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