Dress Guidelines
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Valor dress guidelines have been established to give students freedom with responsibility that is consistent with the values of our school and to aid in allowing students to pursue instruction and learning without distraction. The policy focuses on professionalism and dress that does not bring discredit to the wearer or the school and does not distract students from learning.
Clothing is expected to be neat and clean in appearance. Students are required to adhere to dress guidelines while on the Valor campus, including all study days and testing days.
If a student or parent has a question about the acceptability of a particular item, please bring it to the Dean of Students for input and clarification before wearing it to school.
Pants, Shorts or Skirts
Any color or pattern sized to fit;
Hemlines may not be shorter than mid-thigh.
Clothing that is in good shape without holes, tears, frays. Ripped or torn jeans are NOT appropriate.
NO Sweat pants or athletic pants/shorts are allowed
NO Yoga pants, jeggings, and leggings unless they are worn with tops that cover the rear-end and encircle the front and the back.
NO Joggers are allowed
Any color or pattern.
Shirts that are modest, cover the torso and not low cut. Girls may wear sleeveless shirts provided that the shoulder blade is covered (no tanks or straps).
Insignia, Emblems, and Brands (and Words)
- Positive logos, brands, designs, and messages are permitted – that are aligned with Valor’s culture
Items such as notebooks, folders or backpacks should display appropriate and positive qualities or slogans that are aligned with Valor’s culture.
Hats/caps are NOT allowed in any building during the school day.
Footwear must be worn.
Female students may have no more than 2 earrings in the ear and one small stud in the nose. Males are allowed to wear stud earrings only, one per ear. Nose rings are out of dress code.
Boys'/Girls' hair must be of a modest style, well-kept and neatly groomed. Unnatural colors of hair must be muted and not outrageous.
Boys' facial hair should be well-kept and neatly groomed.